Pricing & Services
15 Minutes
Treatment includes 15 minutes of hairs epilated followed by the aftercare treatment of putting cooling aloe on the skin and cataphoresis the skin which closes the pores I was in and is antibacterial properties helping you heal better and soothe the skin.
30 Minutes
Treatment includes 30 minutes of hairs epilated followed by the aftercare treatment of putting cooling aloe on the skin and cataphoresis the skin which closes the pores I was in and is antibacterial properties helping you heal better and soothe the skin.
45 Minutes
Treatment includes 45 minutes of hairs epilated followed by the aftercare treatment of putting cooling aloe on the skin and cataphoresis the skin which closes the pores I was in and is antibacterial properties helping you heal better and soothe the skin.
60 Minutes
Treatment includes 60 minutes of hairs epilated followed by the aftercare treatment of putting cooling aloe on the skin and cataphoresis of the skin which closes the pores I was in and is antibacterial properties helping you heal better and soothe the skin.
By agreeing to set up an appointment you are also agreeing to the following cancellation policy: Please give at least 24 hour notice for all cancellations otherwise a $50 fee will be charged before resuming services. (Includes no shows)
Side Effects
Redness or swelling can be normal after a treatment. Trauma is happening to the hair follicle even though the treatment is done as gently as possible on the skin. As you continue to have treatments it will become evident how your skin reacts and how we can lessen the reaction if at all possible.
You could get a scab or a pustule here or there which is common. Try not to pick them. Let them heal on their own.
Bruising can also occur occasionally resulting from a small capillary being punctured by the probe during normal treatment and will heal.
After Care
After care treatment begins immediately following electrolysis treatment by applying an aloe gel and rolling the skin using current called cataphoresis. Cataphoresis closes the pores and has antibacterial properties that will help you heal.
AAA ointment may also be applied if you would like.
You can put ice on the area when you get home for 10-20 minutes to help any redness and swelling if you get any.
Try to keep your hands off the treated area for the first 48 hours in order to prevent bacteria and keep it clean.
You can wipe it with witch hazel, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide to kill germs and keep it clean, as needed for the next 48hours after treatment. An antibacterial soap can also be used.
Stay out of the sun and tanning booth for 48 hours after electrolysis treatment. If you must go in the sun use sunblock on the treated area or cover it with clothing.
Refrain from tweezing, waxing and depilatory creams after starting treatment. The hairs are markers of where to go in and destroy the hair follicle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everyone is different so it can vary. It also depends on the area. I like to tell people 18-24 months give or take on an area such as a chin that’s smaller and no medical or hormonal issues which can take longer. Something like armpits you have two of them and everyone has a different amount of hair per square inch so that will take longer.
I work on every area except the genitals. So anything outside the underwear line.
It can be little uncomfortable for some as everyone is so different and everyone’s pain tolerance is different on any given day. It also can depend on the area. There are topical numbing creams we can use. If needed.
I am causing a trauma while trying to be as gentle on the skin as possible, with that in mind and everyone’s skin is also different there is usually a few days it can take to heal. We learn how you react and I try to make some adjustments to make healing easier if we can.
Once a week or once every other week at first are the most common. Everyone is so different and the amount of hair per square inch also plays a part in how often. We will learn you to figure out how often is right for you.
Credit card, check and cash are accepted.
No the color of the hair doesn’t matter. I treat each hair individually and it will work on all colors of hair.
Yes electrolysis is permanent as I treat each hair individually destroying the hair follicle. We all have 500-1,000 hair follicles per square inch of skin. Not all hair follicles are active at once. So as we go through periods of life more hairs can activate cause new hairs to grow at a later time in life. Puberty, pregnancy and menopause are the main times new hair follicles can activate growing new hairs, but it doesn’t mean it will to every person. It can happen, as well as with stress and certain medications and some other causes also can cause hairs to grow.